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Suite101 e-Books, History and Government

Suite101 e-Book
The Fourth Estate

by Donna L. Quesinberry

... there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all.

Suite101 e-Book
Episodes of Vietnamese History

by John Walsh

A collection of essays on the cultural and societal nature of Vietnam.

Suite101 e-Book
Episodes from Chinese History

by John Walsh

Chinese history contains many vivid and extraordinary lessons for people today.

Suite101 e-Book
Rails Across a Nation

by Mary Trotter Kion

Building the U.S. Railways

Suite101 e-Book
The Age of Anne Boleyn

by Wendy J. Dunn

Mysterious and fascinating -
love her or hate her but know her.

Suite101 e-Book
War and Remembrance

by Mary Alward

A tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Suite101 e-Book
Canadian Women of History

by Mary Alward

Women from every walk of life and from many ethnic backgrounds.