
Suite101 e-Book
Rape:Prevention and Survival

Suite101 e-Book Rape:Prevention and Survival

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Statistics state that 1 in 4 women will at some time in their lives be sexually assaulted. Statistics also state that over 70% of reported rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.

Flora Guillory, the former Editor for Rape: Prevention and Survival, wrote not only of her own experiences, but also offered useful advice to help prevent rape. In this collection of some of her best articles, you can learn how to prevent rape, how to support a rape survivor, and what it takes to heal both mentally and emotionally from a rape attack.

In Flora's own words "Rape is the ONLY crime in which the victim is dehumanized, harassed and shamed by the perpetrator, law enforcement, the courts, family, friends and society. WHY?”

I believe that the reason lies in our blind acceptance of many of the negative attitudes and behavioral patterns of our culture. Until we acknowledge the documented patterns of rapists in our history and try to reverse the miseducation that has allowed rape to become as prevalent as it has, we will be doomed to perpetuate the negative behavior and values that have brought us to this point."

Compiled by Debbi Craig

Table of Contents

  • Stages of a Rape Survivor's Reactions
  • Communicating in the Aftermath of Rape
  • Helping Her Through the Crisis
  • How to Show Your Support
  • Interview with a Counselor
  • Coping with Flashbacks
  • The Mythology of Rape
  • Capture, Control and Conquer
  • Defensive Strategies
  • Practical Safety Tips
  • The Trap of Marital Rape
  • The Date Rape Dilemma
  • Protecting Yourself From Date Rape Drugs
  • Your Sexual Rights
Suite101 e-Book
Rape:Prevention and Survival
