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Suite101 e-Books, Writing and Publishing

Suite101 e-Book
A Southern Line and Other Poems

by Thomas James Martin

Multi-faceted crystals of insight, inspiration and intention.

Suite101 e-Book
Women Authors of Fantasy

by Debbie Ledesma

Women write in all of the sub-genres of Fantasy from Epic to Romantic.

Suite101 e-Book
Writing Bestsellers

by Deborah Cannon

"There are two types of novels selling today: very well-written commercial genre; brilliantly written literature. That is it."

Suite101 e-Book
The Technical Aspects of Playwriting

by Dave Brandl

How to determine which idea to follow, how to get started, how to evaluate as you go, how to use the correct format.

Suite101 e-Book
Genres of Playwriting

by Dave Brandl

Genres that not only get produced, but get produced in great volume and generate royalty income to the writers.